About Us
The word Hygge has a lot of meaning to our owner, Darla McMullen-Revelle. Having survived cancer three times, Darla has lived life with a different outlook since her last battle. The word hygge means – a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being. Being happy and content is what life is really all about. Our company’s main goal is to live a life displaying, modeling, and helping others learn about hygge. We treasure our guests and all the people we do business with and look forward to sharing our sense of HYGGE with you!
Have you ever wondered what a “Boss Babe” really looks like? Darla McMullen-Revelle is the epitome of one! A three-time cancer survivor, she never takes anything for granted and lives every day with gratitude and grind.
After years of working in the family business of non-residential rentals, she finally decided it was time to branch out and help others achieve the same success. Seeking a life of contentment after her battles, she knew that was going to be a focal point of her business. With a servant’s heart, she’s always seeking ways to make others around her smile and feel welcome and within just a few minutes of being around her, you will feel like you’re a part of the family!
Having been a Realtor® for over 17 years, she brings an expertise like none other to the world of property management. Her energy and passion for the industry makes you want to be a part of whatever she’s involved in.
Whether it’s finding a new home for someone or assisting with a getaway at a home away from home, Darla works tirelessly to leave her clients with a sense of contentment…a sense of hygge.
Have you ever met anyone that is sweet as pie, but has the grit to accomplish anything? Well, meet Savannah! This girl can take on any task and get it figured out! She works tirelessly to keep things afloat and keeps all of our guests happy. She is mom to Jasper and Charlie, her four-legged babies and is an amazing girlfriend to Hunter. We absolutely love having Savannah as a big part of our team!
Talk about a woman that wears multiple hats…Lore D, as her friends call her, is the example of a superhero. Not only is she an awesome wife to Michael, but is an amazing mom to her daughters Tylar and Carsyn. She’s also the Chamber president of her hometown, and is an incredible community leader. On top of all of that, Lore keeps our company moving! She is the backbone of Hygge Rental Properties, LLC, and never misses a beat. Hygge means “life of contentment” and Lore definitely brings that to our team.
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